About Everyday Infinity

This is a blog about my journey to infinity.  It is the journey that we are all on, moving constantly towards the ever-present state of infinite Oneness in Love.

This is not the journey of a monk, but the journey of a radical mother, living in North America, doing her best to stay centered while juggling the massive challenges facing our society and working to raise the future of our planet.

It is a blog about mothering.  It is a blog of spirituality.  It is a blog about sexuality.  It is a blog about food. It is a blog of the Earth.

It is a blog about the everyday journey that we are all facing, the metaphoric hauling water and chopping wood of Life.  It is about finding Love, empowerment, joy and presence, everyday, in an ever-changing world of seeming chaos.  It is about learning the how to ride the waves of the chaotic ocean so that it feels like a pleasant canoe done a calm river.

I hope you like it here.  It’s my life.

Thank you for coming.

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